Parrot Laws

Parrot Laws in which Humans must obey!

If I like it, it’s mine.
If it’s in my mouth, it’s mine.
If I can take it from you, it’s mine.
If I had it a lit­tle while ago, it’s mine.
If it’s mine, it must nev­er appear to be yours in any way.
If I’m chew­ing some­thing up, all the pieces are mine.
If it just looks like mine, it’s mine.
If I saw it first, it’s mine.
If it is shiny its mine and you must give it to me!
If you are eat­ing it, it’s also mine and you must share it!
If you are play­ing with some­thing and you put it down, it auto­mat­i­cal­ly becomes mine.
If you think it may be yours, you are sad­ly mis­tak­en because it is actu­al­ly mine.
Every­thing that is not sup­posed to be mine, MINE!
If it’s bro­ken, it’s yours.
~Author Unknown~