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A Place to Call Home Par­rot Res­cue & Adoption

We are a state licensed, 501c3 non prof­it avian rescue,
ded­i­cated to hous­ing, car­ing, reha­bil­i­tat­ing, and
re-hom­ing com­pan­ion birds from finch­es to macaws,
includ­ing some with behav­ioral issues.

We are now accepting new birds!  Contact us if you need to surrender.
Come see us at our new location! We are now located in our brand new facility
at 3418 East Everton Rd, Connersville IN, 47331. We are open By Appointment ONLY, but occasionally open on weekends for walk-ins. Check out our Facebook page for
our current dates and times.


We are now accepting birds for boarding


If you are inter­ested in adopt­ing a bird from A Place to Call Home please read the infor­ma­tion below. If you are still interested,find a bird you’d like to adopt, and please com­plete the adop­tion appli­ca­tion and return it to us via email.


  • Adop­tion fees and dona­tions are NONREFUNDABLE.
  • If you adopt a bird and find you can no longer keep it, it MUST be returned to the rescue.

Don’t Shop, Adopt!

  • Par­rots will require reg­u­lar avian vet care
  • Par­rots need a lot of  atten­tion, and will do any­thing to get yours , includ­ing but not lim­ited to, scream­ing and in some cas­es, self mutilation.
  • Not all par­rots talk!  While many may learn to mim­ic or talk, it is not cer­tain that yours will
  • A par­rot can live for 50 plus years ; it is a pet that may out live you and needs to be added to your Will.
  • Birds are very messy and can be very loud.
Adop­tion Fees


  • Nor­mal para­keets, doves and finch­es are $10.00 each
  • Rosel­las, Eng­lish bud­gies, Fan­cy and Dia­mond Doves and Lady Goul­dian finch­es are $25.00 to $50.00 each
  • Nor­mal Love­birds and Cock­atiels are $50.00
  • Fischer’s, fan­cy col­ored Love­birds and black-masked love birds are $100.00
  • Conures, Quak­ers, Mey­ers, Sene­gals , Jen­day Conures, Sun conures ‚Sun­days, Blue quak­ers, and Indi­an Ring­necks are $350.00
  • Medi­um sized birds (Pio­nus, Caiques, Goffin’s, Bare-eyed Cock­a­toos) are $400 and up
  • Larg­er medi­um sized birds such as Umbrel­las and oth­er cock­a­toos, ( except Moluc­cans and larger
    cock­a­toos) Ama­zons, Eclec­tus, and Poi’s) $500- $750
  • Large birds (Moluc­cans and large cock­a­toos, Macaws) $750 and up
  • All Greys ( African, Tim­neh) $1000

Price varies depend­ing upon the lev­el of social­iza­tion, abil­ity to talk and rareness of species

Inter­ested in helping?

All dona­tions are tax deductible through our 501c3 status.

  • Our Out­door Aviary